Friday, Mar 1, 2019

Meet Chris Miller, COO for Ballad Health’s Greene County market

photo: Chris Miller

An experienced leader with a servant’s heart has been named chief operating officer for Ballad Health’s Greene County market, which includes Laughlin Memorial and Takoma Regional hospitals and Laughlin Healthcare Center.

Chris Miller began his new role in Greeneville in early February.

“I am so excited that Chris joined our team because he fits so well into our culture,” said Tammy Albright, president of Ballad Health’s Greene County market. “Chris is an energetic leader with excellent technical skills and invaluable experience, but he also is an inspirational person who leads by example. He makes those who work with him better people. He raises the bar high for all of us.”

In his new role as chief operating officer, Miller is responsible for several departments, including radiation oncology, lab, pharmacy, diagnostic imaging, environmental services and dietary.

Miller most recently served as associate administrator at Johnson City Medical Center, where he managed many of the same departments he now oversees in Greeneville. He also held positions of chief experience outcomes officer, director of patient experience, Smart Square system administrator and i-Choice coordinator.

Miller graduated from the University of Tennessee with a bachelor’s degree in business administration and received his master’s degree in business administration from Milligan College.

“Chris is a hands-on leader who encourages his team members to serve outside, as well as inside, the hospital walls,” Albright said. “His approach to leadership is well matched with our philosophy in Greene County. We believe in helping our neighbors.”

She noted that, while working at Johnson City Medical Center, Miller created a service project for his team members to volunteer at the local soup kitchen. “What started out as a one-time volunteer opportunity grew to a monthly event to cook and serve food to several hundred people,” Albright said. “Chris encourages others to put love into action.”

Miller explained that he is guided by his strong faith in God and believes in living life with purpose. “This life is not about me,” he said. “It’s not about what makes life easiest for Chris. It’s about putting others first -- every time.”

He said that philosophy carries over to his job. “I don’t see my career as a career but as a mission field,” Miller said. “I look for my purpose, not my function, every day. When you do that, it changes what you do and how you do it. The more I put on the lens of a mission field, the better I feel to make decisions in life and at my job. It gives me a great deal of purpose to come to work every day.”

Helping others energizes Miller, he said. “I always come back refreshed. I look forward to starting similar service projects for my team members in the Greeneville community. It’s one thing to serve at your job, but it’s another to serve in your community. I believe in doing both.”

Miller’s compassion-fueled leadership style has earned him numerous awards including “Rising Stars: 50 Healthcare Leaders Under 40” by Becker’s Hospital Review in 2016; the 40-Under-Forty award from the Business Journal of the Tri-Cities Tennessee/Virginia in 2016; the Healthcare Heroes award from the Business Journal of the Tri-Cities Tennessee/Virginia in 2018; and the Servant’s Heart Award from Ballad Health in 2018.

Miller’s love for others extends to his home life as well. He and his wife Sabrina have six children between the ages of 6-months-old and 12. Three of the children are adopted, including one born with neonatal abstinence syndrome. “My son Levi is now five years old and is doing so well thanks to the support structure we've had. Levi is my best buddy and he is just an amazing, amazing little boy. I encourage anyone who has the band width to adopt to take that opportunity. It’s been a great journey for us.”